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Obtaining API token from Entso-E


EDIT 2024

We have since this article was written implemented an intermediate server that performs the "heavy lifting" of reading prices from the Entso-E API. We have there also implemented some backup mechanisms in case the Entso-E API does not respond (which we have seen from time to time).
We therefore no longer recommend reading directly from the Entso-E, but in stead do the following: Activate "Enable price fetch from remote server" in the configuration but leave the next field blank. Your device will then read from our intermediate server:

(We keep the content of the rest of this article in case anyone uses it as reference.)

Pow-K+ and the newest version Pow-U equipped with ESP32 microcontroller can read and display hourly energy prices.

The data source is the non-commercial EU-financed page

You can register and obtain API token free of charge, and here is the procedure:

  1. Go to and click "Login" in upper right corner.
  2. A new window opens, click on "Register" at the bottom. Fill in your email and select a password, which must be
  3. You'll receive an email requesting you to confirm activation. Click the link in the email, and you're logged in.
  4. So far so good - normal stuff.
    Now you need to send them an email to request API token, that information is somewhat hidden in paragraph 2 on this page:
    Send an email to with “Restful API access” in the subject line. Indicate the email address you entered during registration in the email body. The ENTSO-E Helpdesk will make their best efforts to respond to your request within 3 working days.
  5. They will normally respond next working day, I guess 3 days is to be on the safe side.

When you receive answer from them, there will be a button on your "My account settings" page. Click it to generate API token.

Open the main page of your Pow device, go to Configuration / ENTSO-E API, copy in your API token. Select your price region (see below map, contact your electricity company if in doubt).

Note that there is a multiplicator on this config page which you can use to simulate/approximate VAT and other taxes added to the system price.


Posted in: How to

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  • Restful API access
    By: Marcel van de Kant On 31-Jul-2023

    I would like to receive an API key for the energy prices

    Replied by: Egil Opsahl On 24-Aug-2023 Hi Marcel,

    API key is no longer necessary. If you activate "Enable price fetch from remote server" without API key, price data will be read from our interim server.
    If you prefer to read data directly from Entso-E, you must get API key from Entso-E by following the procedure described here:

  • HTTP error when trying to download data
    By: Olivier benrubi On 31-Mar-2023

    Helloe, I am wondering why I now get this.

    Best regards,

    O. Benrubi

    HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url:

    Replied by: Egil Opsahl On 13-Jun-2023 Sorry for late reply.
    There has in periods been issues with the Entso-E API, which is out of our hands.