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Correcting stored values

Corrupted data in the graphs can be very annoying, as they might not vanish until a full month has passed - so that the corrupted data points falls out of the month graph.

So how can we fix something like this?

New in firmware v2.3.6: There is now an "Edit data" link in upper right corner of the Dayplot and Monthplot graphs. Should be self explanatory.

For older firmware versions, the solution is to download and edit the configuration, then upload it back to the device.

  • Download a *.cnf file
    Open the info-panel. Select only "Meter", and hit Download.

  • Edit the file
    To edit "Dayplot" or "monthplot":
    The data in each of those lines are separated by a "space", and consists of the following:
    - Line identifier ('dayplot' or 'monthplot'). Do not edit.
    - Version number of configuration setup. Do not edit.
    - Unix-format timestamp of latest storage of data. You will normally not want to edit this.
    - Scaling factor n for the graph. Scaling is 10^n. You might need to edit this to a smaller number.
    - Measurements in Wh. This is where you want to edit the corrupted value
    - 'dayplot' line has 24 values
    - 'monthplot' line has 31 values

    To edit Tarrif peaks:
    You need to edit the line "energyaccounting, which consists of the following elements:
    - Configuration file version. Do not edit.
    - Number of current month. Do not edit.
    - Import price yesterday
    - Import price this calendar month
    - Import price previous calendar month
    - Export price yesterday
    - Export price this calendar month
    - Export price previous calendar month
    - Then follows 5 elements where the Tarrif peaks are stored, this is where you correct the Tarrif peak registrations. Each consists of two numbers:
        - Day of month
        - kWh peak on that date
    - Total import [kWh] previous calendar month
    - Total export [kWh] previous calendar month

  • Upload the edited file back to device
    After saving the edited file on your computer, you load it back to your device by using the "Select file..." button.

Posted in: Information, How to

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